
Monday, August 22, 2022

Cooling off in Flagstaff...

Phew!  It's been HOT here this summer...and the monsoon's are going strong!  Of all the summer's to decide to stay home...makes me wonder why we chose this one??  Guess we needed to learn what Arizona's summers were really like, first hand, ha ha  

In truth, it's not been all that bad...You get used to it, and adapt to it.  Most days I go to the pool first thing in the morning and exercise with a small group of ladies for about an hour then come back and change and get what ever "outdoor" chores need to be done, done.  Then head inside to for most of the day for the rest of the chores, or in and out of a/c from one place to another.  You get into a routine.  But, after a few months of need a break, or at least I do.  So, off we went to the (local) mountains!

One of our favorite stomping grounds is Greer's Pine Shadows Campground (now called Flagstaff RV Park) in Flagstaff.  We've camped there a number of times, usually coming and/or going from our trips.  We especially like it because it has TREES, and you really feel like you are in the mountains.  To many places are just large parking lots now with small planted trees here and there that don't even afford you any shade, let alone give you any since of nature.  This place is more like a state park with it's lots surrounded by nature, big old pine trees everywhere.  I love it.  So peaceful, you don't even hear the road traffic that's right outside of the campground or the trains that's not far away either...just nature.  Nice.  

Most the folks here that go to the "local mountains" go a little further higher to a town called Show Low.  I thought I would try it, and gave several campgrounds a call.  Our rig "was to old", so they wouldn't accept it.  Well, after a couple of calls, I thought "if that's their attitude, I'll go back to Flagstaff, who needs that attitude?"  So, we've never made it there...guess it's nice, but we'll never know...

Monsoons don't care if you are down in the valley or up in the mountains...they are going to find you!  We had lovely sunshine every morning, but by mid-afternoon, the rains came, almost everyday.  I got my morning reading and sunbathing in, but it sure put a damper on any grilling and campfires!  Oh well...

The cooler weather (in the high 70s, low 80s) was such a wonderful break, and just what we needed.  We browsed our favorite book stores, ate out a couple of times and just relaxed.  Pure R&R, nothing more. 

Soon our two weeks were up, and it was time to head on back down to the problem though, we were refreshed and smiling again!  Ahhhh

...kicking back in Arizona,  Marie