
Sunday, March 13, 2022

Camping in Cottonwood AZ

 We decided not to make the "big trip" this year, and instead, just stay close to home and maybe do a few short trips - with the RV Club and on our own during the summer.  Last year's long trip was quite a strain and Jack, the RV and even I needed a little break.  So, we shall see how it goes...this "staying put" thing!

Our first trip out was with our RV Club, to a campground called Dead Horse State Ranch in Cottonwood AZ.  It's only about a couple of hours from our resort, which was a nice drive, and a change of scenery.  There were about a dozen coaches, so a nice size group of us - not to small or big.  

 Being in a "group" is still kind of new for us, as for the last seven plus years, we've pretty much traveled and camped alone.  There a pluses and minus to that kind of camping.  I enjoy both.  

The coordinator was "on top" of everything for this trip.  She had each evening planned with campfires scheduled and hosted at different sites, people signed up to go to local entertainment (an Escape Room and a BBQ with entertainment) along with various hikes during the day if you wanted.  Two potlucks were also scheduled.  


 I, personally love potlucks, it makes cooking and eating so much more easy and fun.  You get to try new foods along with the opportunity to chat with so many people.  We are still getting to know most of the people in the club, so this gave us the chance to mingle and learn about some of the members.



We pretty much stayed around the park, only going into town one day.  Decided not to do the two evening outings, but joined the other few couples around our campfire and enjoy the glorious sunsets we were greeted with instead.  

All in all, it was a lovely four days.  The weather was cool in the mornings and evenings and warm, sunshine during the daylight.  The group was super friendly and fun and the trip was short and sweet!  It would be fun to do this more often, but as the season is drawing to a close...people are getting ready to "head back home" for the summer, so this will be it for the group until fall I'm afraid.  So, we will be on our own to come up with camp outings!  

Kicking back in Arizona,  Marie



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