
Monday, October 21, 2019

R & R in Calgary...

Oops, pardon my backtracking...I forgot to put this blog in before we ventured onto Jasper!

Everyone needs time to take a break and spend time with friends… and that’s what we did in Calgary. 

Touring, seeing new places and doing new things is all fun and good, but every now and then it’s just nice to sit back with wonderful friends and do - nothing…and that’s what we did.   Talked, drank good wine, ate wonderful food, laughed, played games and enjoyed each other.  

We all met several years ago when we were at the same campground for a month and became fast friends.  Since then we have made it a point to meet up either camping or vacationing together, or at their home in Calgary.  We’ve met most of their family over the years and they’ve made us feel part of it now.  Such a warm feeling…

It was a great respite and good for my ankle, to be off of it, as it seems to be taking it’s time healing.  Old age isn’t for the impatient, that’s for sure! 

We did take one day and go for a jaunt to see The Days of Yore Festival in Didsbury, AB.  A cute little thing with reenactors from Vikings all the way to WWII.  They had mini battles from sword fights to cannons going off at various times.  All across the field were the various encampments set up by century.  Vendors (food and merchandise) were there, of course, as well as crafts etc. for the little ones.  All in all, quite amusing, really.  It was fairly small, as these things go, but so is Didsbury, I’m told, as we had a nice chat with one of the characters during a lunch break.  They have only been doing this festival a couple of years, so kudos to them!

Back on the road, we headed off to get as close to Jasper National Park as we could.  Being the “high season” I knew our chances would be slim getting a camping site in the park, but after many, many phone calls, we were finally able to get one in Valemount BC, about an hour or so outside the park.  We took it!  A couple of one night stays to get there, then through the park to the other side, and then we would be there for four days.  We were looking forward to it! 

Hugs all around to our friends and off we went to more adventures - Canadian style!

Catching up in Arizona,  Marie

If you wish to view the rest of the photos from this trip, you can at my Flickr account at:

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