Our winter stay here at Happy Trails is slowly coming to an end. Looking back over the last three months, it seems like it’s been “one party after another”! Here I thought I would have an opportunity to loose a couple of pounds…ha! With all the potlucks, I’m lucky to still fit in my cloths!
The friendliness of everyone here is one of the reasons I like this place so much. It only takes an evening’s chatting with someone to get to know them well enough to get an invite to the next party! Next thing you know, your headed down the street to another happy hour, or game night and meeting even more people!
We’ve had Birthday Parties, Holiday Parties, Fish Fries, Mardi Gras, Happy Hours, Game Nights, Jazz Bash Block Parties, Rib Fest and Ice Cream Socials. All this on top of what the Happy Trails Social Clubs offer…Bingo Nights and the best yet, the Theater Group’s Musical Show!

I’ve also been looking at a few churches. I’ve been in Science of Mind for many years, so that’s where I started. There is one about 40 minutes from here. We also went to a Unity of Surprise that is only about 15 minutes from here that I really liked. The minister looked (and her name sounded) very familiar. She said the same thing to me when we met…but neither of us could place each other…odd, huh? Anyway, it was nice to “be back in church”, it’s been a long time. Being on the road full time hasn’t lent itself to making it easy for that. Nice people, nice place. They had a wonderful Easter Service that included a 15 piece jazz orchestra that really added to the service too! That, and a full pot luck buffet afterward, what more can a person want? ;-)
The temperatures are still hovering around the mid 80's for the most part, so it's still lovely here, while many states are still suffering cold, rain and snow, so the folks are slow to exit this year. Many that normally leave by the first of April and now pushing it back to almost May...so, a "few more parties yet"? We shall see...
...kicking back in Arizona, Marie