
Saturday, November 10, 2012


Being "on the road" is wonderful, exciting and joy-filled, but can also take you away and bring you to, family.  This trip has brought us to family back east that we haven't been able to see for years, and taken us away from family we were used to seeing every few months.

Family.  We've all had some - some good and some not so much.  Jack and I are very lucky in that we really like all of our family, getting along with each one, so seeing them is a joy.

My family in Washington is one that I have only gotten to see every few years.  One would think that with California only a couple of states away, it would have been more often, but traveling around "vacation time" from work, limited us.,  Now that we are retired, it will be different!  The latest pictures I have to share, were taken over three years ago at my sister's birthday.  I'm sure to see many changes.

This year we will be spending Thanksgiving together, along with some extra time for catching up.  I am so looking forward to it!  My two sisters have lots of kids and grand & great-grand kids that will be fun to see and spend time together. 

Our holidays have always been about family gatherings.  All the grown women sharing the cooking and baking - hanging together in the kitchen talking and laughing, sharing stories.  The guys in another room playing cards or watching tv talking and laughing.  All the youngsters running in and out, grabbing a snack, playing games, laughing, sharing.  Huge tables laden with way to much food.  Joy.

There's nothing I love more than to be surrounded by loved ones.  That's something to be thankful for.

...kicking back in Tacoma (for a couple of weeks!),  Marie

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