A clever artist showed his creativity in making chairs out of all kinds of things and placing them throughout the town with signs saying "please be seated". I had great delight in tracking them down and having Jack sit in each one while I took his picture! Some were comfortable like the one made from a wine barrel or the one made from a large tree root, some not so much like the one made from buoys or the one made of metal and looked like a "wild woman" - but all such fun!
Belfast had other artists as well, a few photographers that each had their own style and subject matter to offer, another was a gentleman who carved people's faces out of logs. I was told that he has a new selection about every two months. The locals like to guess "who" they are and if he has selected one of them as his "model"!
Penobscot Bay, was also a beautiful spot with it's pleasure boats all tethered out in the bay. Their harbor was colorful and reminiscent of a time when it had been more commercial.
And what would Maine be without all it's various lighthouses! There were far more that we could take the time to see, but we did manage to track down a few, like the Pleasant Point Lighthouse, in Cobscook Bay, and the beautiful red & white striped one of West Quoddy Head Light, in Lubec. I even climbed along a side of the hill to get a shot of the Whitlock Mill Lighthouse, in Calais.
We spent one afternoon learning about the local Passamaquoddy Indians in the Acadia area and St Croix Island where the French tried to settle it in 1604. They weren't prepared for the severity of the North American winter. The river froze and the settlers were trapped, cut off from the mainland and fresh water, game and the wood needed to fuel their fires. It wasn't long before many died, leaving the captain eager to "return to Port Royal"! One of the Park's guides is Passamaquoddy herself, so it was very interesting when she shared various things about her tribe and the beautiful baskets they made.
A lot to see and learn about this beautiful state...

If you wish to view the rest of the photos from this trip, you can at my Flickr account at:http://www.flickr.com/photos/74905158@N04/
...on the road in New England and Canada, Marie
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