Miles of vine covered trees in every shade of green that a Crayola box would have, meadows filled with wildflowers of yellow, purple, orange and white, hillsides filled with Craggie boulders with ferns, day lilies, Flame Azaleas and Rhododendrons bursting with color. Beautiful birds, ground squirrels, wild turkeys, deer, horses, cows, a snake, ducks, swans, geese, frogs, lightening bugs and even a small turtle were all seen. Views are endless, with miles of trees and blue skies...that's the Blue Ridge Parkway.
We turned in at almost every view site, I took tons of pictures, and we never could stop saying "wow!" We stopped at several towns, camped along the way, drove through two states, and caught old time music wherever we could. We ate great "Southern cooking", participated in bingo & a 25 foot ice cream sundae made by dozens of kids, square danced, met some great characters, listened to some fun stories, visited historical sites & homes, cemeteries, natural wonders, walked along a mile high bridge, met a blacksmith, laughed and sang.We drove though beautiful sunshine, pouring down rain and even some very scary thick fog.
It's a trip that neither one of us will ever forget.

If you wish to view the rest of the photos from this trip, you can at my Flickr account at:
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