Edward W Bok was the editor of the Ladies Home Journal for thirty years (1889-1919). An immigrant, he was compelled to leave the world a better place, in 1929 he established these gardens for the American public. The 205 ft marble and coquina Singing Carillon Tower is the focal point of the garden, with tile mosaics, animal carvings and custom iron-work. We were lucky during our visit to be there when a visiting carillonneur played. Landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted Jr designed the gardens to be contemplative and informal woodland settings with acres of ferns, palms, oaks and pines with flowering foliage and the seasonal color of azaleas, camellias and magnolias. It was truly peaceful. As you drove through the entrance you past acres of orange groves, so from the very beginning sweet scents filled the air, and lingered throughout.
After strolling through the garden, listening to the bells, Jack and I enjoyed a beautiful lunch in their casual cafe and just sat and listened to the birds sing and the butterflies flutter...no hurry about the day for anyone...life is good.

If you wish to view the rest of the photos from this trip, you can at my Flickr account at:
...kicking back in Florida, Marie
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